Sanative AI

Generative AI is rapidly evolving.

We are building tools to help people thrive in a world distorted by AI.

Try it out

Protect your art and identiy from AI.

Using AI to fight AI

Using AI we generate a unique watermark that fools AI image generation models. This prevents your images from being trained into AI. This technique is called adversarial AI.

AI easily learns unprotected images

Unprotected data

AI Generated

AI unable to learn watermarked images

Watermarked data

AI Generated


Protect your art

Protect your artwork from being trained into AI generative models. Many artists have already had there artwork stolen by AI, you can protect your work with our tool.

Protect your identiy

Protect your likeness from being trained into generative AI models. It is now trival to train a person's likeness into an AI and use the AI to generate fake images of them. Thankfully with our tool you can now protect your images before posting them online.
